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A study of communicability is best known as a Q study because it follows the theories and methods of William Stephenson (1953). The student of communicability asks questions including,
  • What is the range of communicated ideas in a particular discourse?
  • What are the prevalent variations in it?
  • How do these variations logically relate to each other?
While there are more formal ways to express them, these three questions underlie a Q study. It has five major parts:
  • Collecting a discourse from people involved in it;
  • Selecting a sample representative of the range of communicated ideas in the discourse;
  • Selecting respondents from among people involved in the discourse and asking them to arrange the sample of ideas in their preferred order of importance;
  • Formally comparing these arrangements provided by the respondents by factor analysis;
  • Analyzing the results of the factor analysis and other information gathered from the respondents.


* Q Studies Open Datasets
Topic revision: r2 - 29 Oct 2018, WillNorris
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